
6 bed Resort/vacation property For Sale in Nonsuch, Portland, Jamaica


Property Details

  • Address: P O Box 208 Port Antonio
  • Community: Nonsuch
  • Location: Portland
  • Bedrooms: 6
  • Bathrooms: 4
  • Building Size (sq ft): 450
  • Land Area (sq ft): 805,000
  • Gated: No
  • Furnished: Yes

One of the most beautiful properties in Jamaica. 18 1/2 acres.Hilltop overlooking Port Antonio and coast line. View of Blue Mountains on the other side. Coconut farm with flowers, tropical fruits, hummingbirds, parrots, etc. 15 minutes from town and beaches. Main house 2 bedrooms, living room, dining veranda, sitting veranda, large kitchen,stone guest house of 2 bedrooms, kitchen, veranda, with separate driveway. 2 wooden cottages with small veranda, queen size beds on loft. Internet in all houses. Great for family with visitors, eco-tourism, subdivision, or development.

This ad was last updated more than 1 month ago.

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