
Residential lot For Sale - Wiltshire, Trelawny, Jamaica


Property Details

  • Address: Lot 58 Hill Top Road Wiltshire Sidney Cove
  • Community: Wiltshire
  • Location: Trelawny
  • Bedrooms: 0
  • Bathrooms: 0
  • Building Size (sq ft): 0
  • Land Area (sq ft): 17,152
  • Gated: No
  • Furnished: No

Residential lot for sale in Wiltshire Trelawny. It is located off the North Coast highway, in close proximity to the airport and a very quiet community.

This ad was last updated more than 1 month ago.

Mortgage Calculator

$M M$
( % ) $
( months ) Yrs
Est. Mthly Payt : $

*PropertyAdsJa.com does not give loans. This loan payment calculator provides an estimate for informational purposes only and does not take into consideration taxes or transaction fees, nor does it represent a guarantee of credit from a lender.