
Residential lot For Sale in Discovery Bay, St. Ann, Jamaica


Property Details

  • Address: Lot 22 Belle Air Phase 3 Block A Section 2
  • Community: Discovery Bay
  • Location: St. Ann
  • Bedrooms: 0
  • Bathrooms: 0
  • Building Size (sq ft): 0
  • Land Area (sq ft): 4,154
  • Gated: No
  • Furnished: No

The subject property is a residential vacant lot that is rectangular in shape, slopes gently downwards from the roadway and levels throughout. The site appears to facilitate the easy draining of surface water. The site is covered by small trees and shrubs.

This ad was last updated more than 1 month ago.

Mortgage Calculator

$M M$
( % ) $
( months ) Yrs
Est. Mthly Payt : $

*PropertyAdsJa.com does not give loans. This loan payment calculator provides an estimate for informational purposes only and does not take into consideration taxes or transaction fees, nor does it represent a guarantee of credit from a lender.