
Residential lot For Sale in Osbourne Store, Clarendon, Jamaica


Property Details

  • Address: Belle Plain
  • Community: Osbourne Store
  • Location: Clarendon
  • Bedrooms: 0
  • Bathrooms: 0
  • Building Size (sq ft): 0
  • Land Area (sq ft): 21,780
  • Gated: No
  • Furnished: No

Half acre of land for sale in Belle Plain Clarendon, land is large enough to build your dream house with extra space for gardening. Title is available. Contact 8762819224 or 9547564131 , call WhatsApp or text for more info. Asking 5,500,000

This ad was last updated more than 1 month ago.

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$M M$
( % ) $
( months ) Yrs
Est. Mthly Payt : $

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