
Residential lot For Sale in Danvers Pen, St. Thomas, Jamaica


Property Details

  • Address: Danvers Pen
  • Community: Danvers Pen
  • Location: St. Thomas
  • Bedrooms: 0
  • Bathrooms: 0
  • Building Size (sq ft): 0
  • Land Area (sq ft): 42,900
  • Gated: No
  • Furnished: No

Beautiful well fruited one acre lot in the quiet community of Danvers Pen, St. Thomas. Property is perfect to build and requires very little preparation work - no blasting, no bulldozing required. Enjoy your own tropical garden right in your yard as lot features ackee, coconut, orange, corn, banana and other fruit trees. Call today to view and make your offer.

This ad was last updated more than 1 month ago.

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$M M$
( % ) $
( months ) Yrs
Est. Mthly Payt : $

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