Located 13 miles to both Montego Bay and Falmouth, this property is set in the middle of what may well become a major destination for locals and visitors alike. Proximity to Somerton, St. James birthplace of two internationally reknown reggae icons, hall of famer Jimmy Cliff and dub poet Mutabaruka offer tourist attraction to this quiet hamlet while the high peaks offer adventure tours zip-line, mountain hiking and lots more. This 58 acres is offered separately or together with an adjoining 293 acre property totalling 351 acres at a discount. Purchaser has 1st refusal on 16 acres in Summerhil Square next to famous Maldon school, a combination of hills, valleys and plains currently with some coconut, banana, coffee, sugar cane, ginger and lots of mangoes and apple trees. Lumber trees cedar,mahogany,broadleaf are in abundance. Several springs and water courses make the property ideal for various enterprises including farming, cattle rearing, goats, pigs and housing development. For more
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